Ranking Importance
This year resesrch shows that approximately 85% of all Web sites are found via search engines
SEO is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine’s unpaid results – often referred to as “natural” or “organic” results. In general, the higher a website’s rank is in a search result, the more it’s likely to be seen and clicked on by visitors. Factors affecting ranking include titles, keywords, amount and quality of written text, ratio of images to text, and placement of important text elements such as headings.
SEM is another part of the strategies to improve a website’s ranking. The more other quality websites link back to your site, the more – in general – Google and the other search engines give your site “brownie points”. For eg., if your organization is found in Facebook, Yelp, Google Places and other “authoritative” sources, the more credence your site is given.
It’s a bit like picking blueberries. Some are small, others are big, but together, they all help contribute to the end goal.
This year resesrch shows that approximately 85% of all Web sites are found via search engines
96% of Internet users begin their Web search through a major search engine (Google, Bing, Yahoo, AOL)
SEO allows you the ability to choose keyword phrases for searches performed by potential customers
In January 2016, more than 17.5 billion searches were performed with 342 billion search results
Solid SEO and search friendly Web design will help bring visitors to your Website
Consumer perception is that the higher a Web sites is ranked in a search engine