Url: gohope.ca (Redirects now to umbrella rural rides site)
The HOPE (Handicapped Organization Promoting Equality) organization in Yarmouth is a long-standing source of help and advocacy for people in the area dealing with disabilities. As the provincial government began expanding its programs to help with transportation for the disabled, HOPE became the official assisted-transit organization in the Yarmouth area as well, starting their Dial-a-Ride program that now employs several full-time drivers and runs several vans customized to handle clients with disabilities.
Public awareness and visibility is an important part of such a service, but for many non-profit organizations, marketing is challenging because of the costs of many traditional kinds of exposure.
I did this website under my non-profit rate (50% or more discount), and focused on these main objectives:
- give a good overview of the centre’s mission, its services, and facilities
- provide extensive info on the Dial-a-Ride program
- help promote the local business sponsors who helped make the centre’s activities possible, especially the Dial-a-Ride program
Domain Challenges
Because the organization provided 2 distinct areas of service (assisted transit, plus the centre’s services), finding a good domain was a head-scratcher. hopecentre.ca was already taken, as were the other obvious ones. DialARide.ca was available, but it wouldn’t address the non-transit areas of operation at all. The final solution (not perfect, but seems to work well): gohope.ca . It was nice and short, easy to remember, and fit all the different aspects of the centre’s operations fairly well.
Most of the info for the center fit well on the home page